A. J. Sheppard and J. M. Little, "Performance Analysis of an Electron Cyclotron Resonance Thruster with Various Propellants." Proceedings of AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2021 Forum, Virtual Event, AIAA Paper. No. 2021-3375. 2021.
C. L. Kelly and J. M. Little, "Performance and Design Scaling of Magnetoshells for Outer Planet Drag-Modulated Plasma Aerocapture." 2021 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Online Remote. 2021.
A. J. Sheppard and J. M. Little, "Theoretical Scaling Laws for Water-Vapor Propellant Thrusters."​ 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Vienna, Austria, IEPC Paper 2019-420. 2019.
P. Thoreau and J. M. Little, "Development of the SPACE Lab Thrust Stand for Millinewton Thrust Measurements."​ 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Vienna, Austria, IEPC Paper 2019-715. 2019.
C. L. Kelly and J. M. Little, "Performance Scaling and Mission Applications of Drag-Modulated Plasma Aerocapture." 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Vienna, Austria, IEPC Paper 2019-202. 2019.
J. M. Little, "Low-Field Mode Transitions in a Spiral-Antenna Helicon Thruster." 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Vienna, Austria, IEPC Paper 2019-848. 2019.
C. L. Kelly and J. M. Little, "Energy and Mass Utilization during Drag Modulated Plasma Aerocapture." 2019 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT. 2019.
C. L. Kelly and A. Shimazu, "Revolutionizing Orbit Insertion with Magnetoshell Aerocapture." 35th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Atlanta, GA, IEPC Paper 2017-600. 2017.
C. L. Promislow, A. J. Sheppard, and J. M. Little, "Time-resolved electron beam fluorescence for measuring neutral particles in EP plasmas." 35th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Atlanta, GA, IEPC Paper 2017-30. 2017.
S. Hepner, T. Collard, J. M. Little, and B. Jorns, "Low-frequency plasma oscillations in the plume of a low temperature magnetic nozzle." 35th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Atlanta, GA, IEPC Paper 2017-515. 2017.
J. M. Little, at al., "Scaling of FRC Thrusters with Neutral Entrainment." Joint Army-Navy-NASA-Air Force (JANNAF) meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 2016.
J. M. Little and E. Y. Choueiri, "Influence of the Applied Magnetic Field Strength on Flow Collimation in Magnetic Nozzles." Proceedings of 50th Joint Propulsion Conference, Cleveland, OH, AIAA Paper. No. 2014-3912. 2014.
L. Ferrario, J. M. Little and E. Y. Choueiri, "Experimental Verification of Plasma Focusing by Azimuthal Current in a Magnetic Nozzle." Proceedings of 50th Joint Propulsion Conference, Cleveland, OH, AIAA Paper. No. 2014-4026. 2014.
J.M. Little and E. Y. Choueiri, "Plasma Transport in a Converging Magnetic Field with Applications to Helicon Plasma Thrusters." 33rd International Electric Propulsion Conference, Washington, DC, IEPC Paper 2013-125. 2013.
J. M. Little and E. Y. Choueiri, "Electric Propulsion System Scaling for Asteroid Capture-and-Return Missions." Proceedings of 49th Joint Propulsion Conference, San Jose, CA, AIAA Paper. No. 2013-4125. 2013.
J. M. Little and E. Y. Choueiri, "An Analytical Model for the Flow of Collisionless Plasma along Magnetic Fields." Proceedings of 48th Joint Propulsion Conference, Atlanta, GA, AIAA Paper. No. 2012-3842. 2012.
J. M. Little and E. Y. Choueiri, "Similarity Parameter Evolution within a Magnetic Nozzle with Applications to Laboratory Plasmas." 32nd International Electric Propulsion Conference, Wiesbaden, Germany, IEPC Paper 2011-229. 2011.
J. M. Little and E. Y. Choueiri, "Plasma Detachment and Momentum Transfer in Magnetic Nozzles." Proceedings of 47th Joint Propulsion Conference, San Diego, CA, AIAA Paper. No. 2011-6001. 2011.
J. M. Little and E. Y. Choueiri, "The Influence of Induced Currents on Magnetic Nozzle Acceleration and Plasma Detachment." Proceedings of 46th Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, AIAA Paper. No. 2010-6615. 2010.
J. M. Little and E. Y. Choueiri, "Divergence of a Propulsive Plasma Flow Expanding through a Magnetic Nozzle." 31st International Electric Propulsion Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, IEPC Paper 2009-260. 2009.